Thursday, October 30, 2014

Halloween Sale!

Hello Friends,
Just popping in to tell you that I am having a Halloween Sale over at my tpt.  Just click on the pic to head on over.  

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Friday, August 15, 2014

One more week. Yikes!

Hello Friends!
I have one week left before I get too meet my new first graders.
So it is now crunch time!
I have been busy at work in my classroom so I have a few pictures to share with you.

Here is my student classwork board

I am in love with it.  My friends over at Instagram helped me with the title and it looks amazing!

Here is my board with my phonics posters.  
After I got to school to laminate I realized that I was missing a few of them.  Ugh!!!!

Here they are if you are interested.
Just click on the pic.

 I have also been busy working on my Take Home folders.  
I love having this form of communication with parents because everything is all in one place.  
I made this in black and white because I can print it at school but I also have it in color for all you fancy people out there.  
Click on the pic to check them out!

The last project I have accomplished so far is painting my stools.  

They use to be a chevron pattern with white, black, and red which looked great with my Hollywood theme.
Since I am changing everything else I decided to spray paint these as well.  
They look great now just waiting to dry.  

I am headed to school on Monday and taking some final class pictures I cant wait to reveal evrything.
Have a great weekend!

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Monday, August 4, 2014

BTS Sale and a Winner!

Hello Friends,

Have you been shopping yet?  Dont forget TPT is having a huge sale right now.  I may or may not have gone shopping already twice.  Check out my store while you are there.  Just click on the pic to head on over.

I have a couple of new items in my store just in time for the big sale.

I had a request to make a Superhero Welcome Bulletin Board after I made my Hollywood one.  So here you are friends.  


I also made a new communication folder to fit my new classroom theme.  


Check them out by clicking on the pic.

Ok now onto the big winner of the $25 TPT gift certificate.

Shannon Plein I have already emailed you with the info.  
Thank you so much to everyone who entered.  

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Saturday, August 2, 2014

B2S Gift Giveaway!

Who doesn't want $25 to get your shopping on during the big back to school sale.
Make sure you enter the giveaway!

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Friday, August 1, 2014

BTS Sale and a little Giveaway!

Have you heard of the Back To School Sale!!!!!
I am so excited! 
I have so many things in my wishlist already and am adding more today.  
I better hide the bank statement from the hubby.  sshhh!

Well my little store will also be 20% off so just click on the pic to head on over and check it out.

I have hit a 300 follower milestone on Instagram and I thought what better way to say thank you than to give away a TPT giftcard.  This way you can do more shopping and not have to hide the bank statements like me.  

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Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Vacation, Classroom update and some freebies.

Hello Friends!

It has been a busy two weeks at my house.  So get ready for the rundown peeps.

Last week my family and I went on a little vacation.  We packed up the car and drove down to San Diego.
We went to Legoland and had a blast!

While in San Diego we enjoyed the beach.  We live in Las Vegas friends so whenever we get the opportunity to see the ocean we take it.  My boys had so much fun that I literally had to beg to leave.

Then we packed our little sunburned booties back in the car and drove back home!
We had a blast California until next time.

So the very next day I drove to school because I have issues and I stress about my classroom not being ready.  Like many of you do!

This my friends is what I found waiting for me.  My  husband put up my student work board before we left and my alphabet but everything else was a hot mess!!!

So I got to work!

My word wall and color posters.  
(Im still working on uploading my word wall)

My writing board.  The punctuation posters are from my store. I got the writing center printable from A Cupcake for the Teacher.  
The writers eye printable are a little freebie that I remade from The First Grade Parade.  Just click on the link  or the picture to head on over to my store and download my updated version of the freebie.  

This is the front of my room.  I just love how bright and cheery it looks.

I reached my first 200 followers on instagram so I made this little freebie.  Just click on the pic to head on over to my store and download.
If you are not following me already on Instagram head on over!

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Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Classroom progress and a Sale!

Hello Friends,

I have been making progress in my classroom.  Yay!  Not as much as I want to be making because the janitors are still cleaning so I have to leave early, but I know I am lucky to be able to go in whenever I want so I am not going to complain.  

The last 2 years I have had a Hollywood Theme which I loved but was looking for a change.  This was my writing bulletin board from last year.

It was super cute but didn't fit my new theme.  So I took it all down and changed the fabric and borders.  
This is what it looks like now:

I cannot wait to finish it.
Last year I had these posters above my guided reading table.  
The students used them sooooooo much!
These were adorable but again did not fit my new theme so I came up with these.
You can click the pic to head on over to my TPT.  

So now for the Sale!
I know alot of you are already creating Back to School units.
I created these two sets of clipart last year for the beginning of the year.  
They are now 20% off  so just click on the pic to head on over to my store.  

These 2 sets are

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